Congratulations to the trial team in Helsinki! First and second patient randomized in Helsinki, Finland!March 9, 2018 in News by ISPMAdmin
We are happy to inform you that the first international patient was randomized in Osnabrück, Germany! Congratulations to the trial team in Osnabrück! First patient randomized in Osnabrück, Germany!February 20, 2018 in News by ISPMAdmin
We are pleased to inform you that Osnabrück (Germany) starts recruiting patients for the SWIFT DIRECT trial today. Fifth recruiting site opens today!February 16, 2018 in News by ISPMAdmin
We are pleased to inform you that Helsinki (Finland) starts recruiting patients for the SWIFT DIRECT trial today. Fourth recruiting site opens today!January 24, 2018 in News by ISPMAdmin
Please save the date! 2nd Investigator’s Meeting will take place on May 16th 2018 ...January 23, 2018 in News / Uncategorized by ISPMAdmin
The trial team in Lausanne enrolled the fourth SWIFT DIRECT patient! First patient randomized in Lausanne!January 16, 2018 in News by ISPMAdmin